1 - $499.00

Transform your full body with the ultimate exercise machine!

"A new machine to rule them all"

Covers Full Range of Upper Body Workout!


The Ultimate Exercises Machine

With so many fancy new exercises machine out there these days, it can be mind-boggling for the average person to know what works best for their specific body and goals.

But one exercise machine that has been incorporated into any given workout: is the “AlronFitness”  This piece of equipment can be called a plank, a dipper dip, a burpee, or even from downward to upward dog, For nearly every exercise you do, the AlronFitness will double on it. And that’s simply because this machine is so darned effective. The “AlronFitness” is the true full-body workout. It develops a beautiful tone throughout your entire upper body. 


Pre-Order now and Get the product for


Product Launches July 15th, after that price will be $000.00

90 days delivery after the pre-order


The Inventor of “AlronFitness”

Hi, my name is Ronald Almeda The Inventor of “AlronFitness”

Have you ever wondered why is that every buddy performs their push-ups flat to the grown? And why not on an actual machine built specially for that? During my years of observations throughout the Gym/ fitness industry, I have noticed that there was a need for such a machine that could change the way fitness goers perform exercises. As we keep doing push-up exercises the same old way over and over, we decided to do something different.

 I dedicated myself to developing “AlronFitness”, which offers various ways to perform your push-ups and other exercises.


Unleash Your Potential

With this new piece of equipment, you’ll experience pushups and other exercises  in a new levels. AlronFitness is a driven workout exercises machine, it is the ultimate machine in it’s kind.

Although, “AlronFitness”  does not only  fall in push-ups categories when it comes to competitions. it’s a more complete machine unique on it’s own way. other similar product out there, does not offer the same or more benefits as AlronFitness does. This piece of equipment will enable an individual to do many different types of exercises.


Pre-Order now and Get the product for


Product Launches July 15th, after that price will be $499.00

90 days delivery after the pre-order

ALL in ONE Upperbody solution

Unlock Your Best Self with AlronFITNESS

You can activate different parts of your chest if you do the right kind of pushups. You also can activate the upper body if you change the direction of your arms in relation to your body, you also can target the sternal part of your chest if you know the right alignment when performing pushups and exercises.

AlronFitness is bringing this exceptional piece of equipment  to the gyms. When you’re no longer stuck on the ground, but on your very own machine designed specifically to fit your daily workout, it can absolutely change your body appearance, change your looks and the way you feel about those universally loved athletic move. 

When it comes to problem-solving, “AlronFitness” will fulfill the need to strengthen your full upper body through various exercises. With this machine, your muscles are directly targeted at all times which in turn, will keep you engaged; you’ll get weep and strong even if you wouldn’t go to the gym for a while.

This new machine will provide a safer alternative, it’s a  free weight heavy lifting system when performing exercises. Individuals will do a variety of push-up styles and other moves that will strengthen and tone their body appearances such as Arms, shoulders, back, chest, torso, triceps, biceps, and pullups.


Pre-Order now and Get the product for


Product Launches July 15th, after that price will be $000.00

90 days delivery after the pre-order

Get notified of our product launch date

“AlronFitness” offers a healthier lifestyle for its customers and if you would like to learn more about this new machine or speak to its founder, Ronald Almeda.

Please do not hesitate to reach out.

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